Islamic Azad University Najafabad
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Iaun's Faculties

Faculty of Computer Engineering

Faculty of Computer Engineering


Faculty of Computer Engineering is a well-established center for higher education in the field of Computer Engineering and Information Technology (IT), formed as a department of faculty of Engineering in 1981. In 2008, the faculty was independent from the Faculty of Engineering and continued its activities as an excellent center for teaching, learning and research, producing skilled and talented graduates in high demand by the industry and research centers.

The faculty holds over 2100 students in B.Sc., M.Sc. and doctorate programs in Computer Engineering (software, artificial intelligent and computer architecture) and IT. For undergraduate students, the faculty provides academic staff to teach computer engineering and IT courses so that the graduates are equipped with the ability to undertake research in those areas and to become an IT professional. The program is conducted full time in 4 years. For postgraduate students, the faculty provides academic staff to teach and supervise postgraduate students working in research on the above area.

For the faculty members, the faculty provides opportunity for advancing their knowledge in those four areas through various ways such as; facilitating collaborations with other local and abroad academic institutions, companies and research institutions.

The faculty boasts of 24 years of services rendered for educating over 7000 university students in B.Sc. and M.Sc. levels as well as doctorate programs. The total number of faculty members is 27 as detailed in Table 1.


Published articles in authentic international journals and foreign and domestic33 scientific conferences with a total number of 1000 articles
Publishing 45 ISI articles in international journals in the last two years
Publishing 210 articles in research and scientific journals in the last two years
Publishing 10 new books in field of Computer Science and Information System
Achieving the 3rd rank and bronze medal in Domestic Robotic Competitions, April 2003
Conducting over 15 research plan
Organizing and holding several international, national and local conferences
2009, the first conference on Computer Science and Computer Engineering (received articles: 210, accepted articles: 59)
2011, the second conference on Computer Science and Computer Engineering (received articles: 250, accepted articles: 115)
2012, the first national conference on Computer Science and IT management (received articles: 400, accepted articles: 169)
2014, the second national conference on Computer Science and IT management (received articles: 420, accepted articles: 125)
2016, the first international conference on Computer Science and IT management will be held on 4th and 5th May 2016.


We are offering a wide range of facilities in the areas of Computer Sciences and IT. These facilities are available for students, staff and in many instances also for interested third parties. The faculty has 40 classrooms, 7 labs, 10 seminar rooms, one conference halls and one library.

1.9.1. Postgraduate and Undergraduate Lab

In these laboratories, all facilities have been provided for students. Also, the latest version of software are available to assist students in their study and research such as Matlab, Minitab, Statistica, NeuralWare, Netbeans, Rational Rose and ProModel.

  • Postgraduate lab 1 ( Computer Engineering building - level 2 – 208)- Specialized laboratories graduate
  • Postgraduate lab 2 (Computer Engineering building - level 2 – 209), including the laboratories of computer network, operating system, database and Multimedia.
  • Postgraduate lab 3 (Computer Engineering building - level 2 – 210), including the laboratories of software engineering, design of object-oriented systems, expert systemand computer simulation.
  • Undergraduate lab 1 ( Computer Engineering building - level 2 - General computer Site)
  • Undergraduate lab 2 ( Computer Engineering building - level 3 - 309) including the Laboratories of algorithm design, databases, computer graphics and computer lab
  • Undergraduate lab 3 ( Computer Engineering building - level 3 - 310) including the Laboratories of artificial intelligence, computer graphics, machine language and assembly
  • Undergraduate lab 3 ( Computer Engineering building - level 3 - Computer Site) – final thesis

1.9.2. Resource Center

The Resource Center is the library of collection of student thesis, department collection, books, teaching modules, proceeding papers and journals. Final year students from this department are allowed to borrow a book or thesis for their references.


3.1.1. Undergraduate

Software, hardware and IT engineering are foundations of the faculty of Computer Engineering for undergraduate. In teaching and learning, the faculty offer basic and industry-tailored courses to better prepare our undergraduates for the real world. Hence, graduated students in this level are armed with knowledge in designing, managing and maintaining communication and security to fulfill needs of organizations. Each academic year includes two semesters and one summer term. Each semester is sixteen weeks and each summer term is six weeks. The students can take 18-20 credits in each semester and 6 credits in the summer term.

Programs offered:

•         Computer engineering (Software)

•         Computer engineering (Hardware)

•         Information Technology engineering

3.1.2. Graduate

The Master programme is designed to extend the knowledge and skills gained from the first degree and to develop new professional skills of the graduates in the particular area of study.The programme involves lectures, seminars and project work. This is a full-time program based on both intensive course-work and research. The program starts every year in late September or January, and continues for four successive semesters. A minimum 32 credits of study including a combination of compulsory subjects; electives and a Master’s Project are required for the award of the Master degree. Students’ progress and performance in the Master project is assessed through oral presentations and a written report.

Programs offered:

•         Master of Computer engineering (Software)

•         Master of Computer engineering (Computer Architecture)

•         Master of Computer engineering (Artificial Intelligence)


3.1.3. Ph.D.

The Ph.D. students (taught and research, and by research) are supervised by an academic staff (or a panel of supervisors) from the faculty. A specific topic of investigation will be agreed upon by the supervisor (or panel of supervisors) and the candidate. The academic progress of doctorate candidate by research is assessed through a research Progress Report submitted at the end of each semester. The mixed-mode candidates pass some subjects and attenda comprehensive exam at the end of second year. If they accepted in the exam, they can defend their thesis proposal. The degree is awarded based on an oral examination (viva-voce) of the thesis submitted by the candidate on completion of the study.

Programs offered:

•         Computer engineering (Software)

•        Computer engineering (Computer Architecture)

Faculty Research


  •    Maryam Nooraee, Shohreh Ajoudanian, , "A model for deployment of service oriented architechture in educational enterprises", Aproval Date :08/11/2014, End Date :08/11/2014
  • Maryam Nooraee, Shohreh Ajoudanian, , "a method in cloud computing information technology in healthcare systems in Iran-", Aproval Date :08/11/2014, End Date :08/11/2014
  • Sayed Mehran Sharafi, "A method to mesure the effects of software architectural approaches on quality attributes", Aproval Date :16/04/2014, End Date :08/03/2015
  • Faramarz Safi Esfahani, Mohamad Hosein Nadimi Shahraki, Shima Rakian, , "Detecting Plagiarism based on a Semantic Approach", Aproval Date :20/02/2014, End Date :23/08/2014
  • Mohammad H Nadimi, Safi Faramarz , Elnaz Shafighfar, , "Load Balancing in Grid Computing by using Ant Colony Optimization", Aproval Date :10/07/2012, End Date :10/07/2012
  • Faramarz Safi Esfahani, , "Preparation, Design, and Standardize Informative Communication, Datacenter Services and Electronic Content for Isfahan Governor ", Aproval Date :14/07/2012, End Date :14/06/2014
  •  Mohammad Naderi Dehkordi, "Privacy Preserving of Data Cubes in Multi-Dimentional Data Mining", Aproval Date :06/04/2013, End Date :12/06/2012
  •  Hamid Mahmoodian, Mohammad H Nadimi, Mahshid Abtahi, , "Analyzing of Breast Cancer Metastasis for Iranian Women Based on Gene Expression Profile and Clinical Information", Aproval Date :02/02/2014, End Date :02/02/2015
  • Mohammad H Nadimi, Hashemi Ali, , "Web Personalization using Association Rules Extracted From Web Usage Mining", Aproval Date :11/10/13, End Date :11/10/014
  • Aireza Hajian, Mohammad H Nadimi, Heshmatolla Oroji, , "Developing a comprehensive road map of Cultural for Islamic Azad University of NajafabadBranch", Aproval Date :10/07/2014, End Date :10/07/2014
  • Ali Davoudian, Mohammad H Nadimi, , "Intelligent Translator Machine", Aproval Date :01/03/2002, End Date :23/07/2004
  • Mohammad H Nadimi, , "Intelligent Mice", Aproval Date :24/05/2001, End Date :27/07/2003


Scientific Associations

  •   IEEE computer society student branch
  •   Students’ Scientific and Research Society


7.1 Alumni Association

The number of graduated students

Level of Education Graduated till 2015
Ph.D. --
M.Sc. 329
B.Sc. 7013
Total 7342

7.2 During Alumni

Any student who has passed bachelor, master or post graduate level according to the following conditions is considered as an undergraduate or postgraduate and can receive his or her academic document. They should be accepted in the IAU entrance exam in line with the university regulations. The GPA of the entire academic term should be at least 12. The graduation date is at most 15 days after the last exam in the final term of the year or the summer term. The braches should issue a temporary graduation document at most six weeks after the student has finished the courses and credits. The branch should also send all academic files and scores to the central administration. If the student is a draftee, the branch should also notify him to the military service office, otherwise the branch is liable for the negligence. The verification of the graduation document by the central administration office is as follows:

The verification of the temporary graduation certification document in line with verifying the student’s score sheets and credit files. The verification and issuing of the final graduation certification document will be done in six month time after the issuing the temporary document.


23 January 2015


Faculty of Computer Engineering