Islamic Azad University Najafabad
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A Brief History of the Islamic Azad University

On May 21, 1982, two years after the Iranian Cultural Revolution, Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani (R.I.P), term president of Islamic Parliament of Iran and chief of the Supreme Council for Cultural Revolution, in Tehran Friday prayer sermon spoke of an initiative plan called the Islamic Azad University for the first time. In fact, his remarks were the results of his consultations with Dr. Abdollah Jasbi to establish the Islamic Azad University. Imam Khomeini ten million Rials donation order to launch the Islamic Azad University was a basis that helped this university.

The first university entrance exam was held in February 1983 with 32000 participants in Shahrood, Ahvaz, Tabriz, Rasht, Zahedan, Kerman, Mashhad and Yazd and about 3000 students were accepted in the fields of civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, physics, mathematics, chemistry, metal industries, textile engineering, and accounting.

Like other educational institutions in Iran, the administration of IAU is under the control of the Supreme Council for Cultural Revolution. The certificates issued by this university are recognized by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and Ministry of Health and Medical Education. At present, the IAU offers a wealth of facilities, and full time or part time courses with the highest education quality. They are designed to be directly relevant to industry, commerce, and business in various sectors and fields. Since its inception in 1982, the IAU has grown both physically and academically to become one of the largest higher education institutions globally.

Established in: May 21, 1982

Motto: Iranian Aspirations for Globalization

Founder: Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani (R.I.P)


  • The best comprehensive university in the country with global reputation
  • Great center of science and research
  • Creative and entrepreneurial university effectively contributing to the economic growth and development of the country
  • Leader in providing educational and research services to the strata of the society
  • Leader in software movement and science development
  • Leader in providing superior educational environment
  • Students’ first choice



  • Increasing the welfare, economic, social, and cultural development of the society
  • Improving the quantitative and qualitative aspects of education
  • Providing appropriate facilities for research
  • Training entrepreneurial experts to materialize the future outlook of the Islamic republic of Iran in engineering, basic, applied, medical, and human sciences.
  • Developing knowledge boundaries and changing them into scientific ideas
  • Enriching the culture of society

The IAU Macro Goals

  • Educational development of IAU using society-centered approach
  • Facilitating technology transfer and promoting applicable research
  • Establishing entrepreneurship university
  • Promoting domestic and international position of the IAU
  • Empowering the students
  • Promoting values based on Iranian-Islamic patterns
  • Increasing efficiency and effectiveness of the IAU
  • Excellence of the IAU human resources
  • Promoting standardization of the IAU campus buildings
  • Excellence of the IAU