Islamic Azad University Najafabad
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Iaun's Faculties

Faculty of Art and Uurbanism

Faculty of Art and Uurbanism


The primary purpose of the Faculty of Art, Architecture and Urban Planning (FAAU) in IAUN;a public research university,is to serve society as a center of higher learning, providing long-term societal benefits through transmitting advanced knowledge, discovering new knowledge, and functioning as an active working repository of organized knowledge in extensive areas of art, architecture and urban studies. That obligation, more specifically, includes undergraduate education, graduate and professional education, research, and other kinds of public service, which are shaped and bounded by the central pervasive mission of discovering and advancing knowledge.

To fulfill this mission, FAAU is committed to academic development in its fullest terms;we value open access to information, free and lively debate conducted with mutual respect to individuals. In all of our pursuits, we strive at once for excellence and diversity, recognizing that openness and inclusion produce true quality. These values underlie our three institutional responsibilities i.e. teaching, doing research and serving the society.

  • We teach educating students at all levels, from undergraduate to the most advanced graduate level. Undergraduate programs are available to all eligible Iranian and international high-school graduates who wish to attend the IAUN.Instructional programs at the undergraduate level transmit knowledge and skills to students. At the graduate level, students experience with their instructors the processes of developing and testing new hypotheses and fresh interpretations of knowledge. Education for professional careers, grounded in understanding of relevant sciences, literature and research methods, provides individuals with the tools to continue intellectual development over a lifetime and to contribute to the needs of a changing society.Through our academic programs, FAAU helps create an educated workforce that keeps the Isfahan economy competitive. With almost one thousand enrollments annually, IAUN provides continuing education for Iranians to improve their job skills and enhance the quality of their lives.
  • We do research by some of the Iranian best researchers and brightest students in hundreds of disciplines in national laboratories, medical centers and other research facilities at IAUN’s campus. FAAU provides a unique environment in which leading scholars and promising students strive together to expand fundamental knowledge of human nature, society, and the natural world. Its basic research programs yield a multitude of benefits for the state and country; economic growth through the development of modern architecture, creation of new materials and products, technologies, jobs, companies and even new industries leading to improvements in the quality of life.
  • We provide public service which dates back to more than 20 years. Today, through its public service programs and industry partnerships, FAAU disseminates research results and translates scientific discoveries in the area of art, architecture and urban development into practical knowledge and technological innovations that benefit Isfahan and the nation.



22 January 2015


Faculty of Arts & Urbanism